Olivier Carion

Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire & London




in the business world there are very few specialist's with



Growth &

Scale to





Meet Olivier

he has genuinely been where you want to go with your business...


what this really means is that he has experianced first hand, the challenges all business owner faces when turning a company around, growing it at scale and building the business to an exit event.


It's for this reason, Olivier will begin his conversation with you by asking the questions that most business owners find difficult to answer:


  • Is your business running you, rather than you running your business?
  • What is the ultimate goal of your business from a financial and personal achievement lens?
  • Are you on course?
  • What are the real reasons holding back progress?
  • When do you want to exit your business?
  • Have you got a master plan you are working too?
  • Do you want help to make it happen faster?








Accelerating the Growth of Your Business


If you genuinely want to achieve more from your business life, Olivier has the experience, knowledge, and connections you need to gain clarity of exactly what to do next...


It starts with strategically developing absolute clarity of exactly what it is that you ultimately want to achieve from your business life. having achieved 'clarity' you will by default create an outcome driven winning mindset from which we create the master plan that will make what seams unrealistic goals into the absolutely achievable.


If you have decided the time is right to turn your dream into reality, Olivier can help you turn your goals into a real-world, milestone driven plan of action and work with you all the way through to obtaining the financial success that is now long overdue...





Determination to Drive Through the Challenges

What support does Olivier provide?


To achieve the goal of building a business that truly affords you an ‘extraordinary’ lifestyle, you simply must have an ‘extraordinary’ determination to drive through the challenges that you will inevitably encounter on the way. Olivier’s job is to walk alongside you on that exciting journey keeping you on track and accelerating you forward as your accountability partner.


He will help you create your ‘personal roadmap’ to achieve the ‘extraordinary’ work/life balance that will be afforded from the fruits of your focus and labour. He’ll do this through one-to-one personal support, growth-driven mastermind peer groups as well as a series of one-day training workshops.







Exceptional Value Events & Activities

These regular events and activities provide exceptional value:

  • A helicopter view of your business, to provide the space and clarity to look at it strategically
  • A clear pathway to take your business to the next level
  • The entrepreneurial skills to build a wealth-creating business
  • The confidence to start achieving great results and a massively improved income
  • The strategy to stop being the best-kept secret in town and attract a steam of hungry clients to you
  • The compelling way to communicate your value proposition to make buying from you a no-brainer
  • A clear and robust architecture for your sales conversations to radically improve your conversion rate
  • A proven wealth-creating model and approach.





Life is One Continuous Learning Adventure

After moving to the UK 20 years ago, I worked with a number of large companies, such as Nestlé, Lactalis McLelland, Lactalis Nestlé Chilled Dairy, Veolia Water, Veolia Environment Industrial Services, Mazars LLP, CSG International, Computacenter, MBDA, etc.


During the last 10 years, I have worked with a variety of small to medium-size businesses covering a wide range of sectors, such as property lettings, accountancy, digital and IT services, telecommunications, manufacturing, travel & hospitality, home care, marketing, printing, security, video production, etc.


I see life as one continuous learning adventure. Through the years, as well as through life’s bumps and bruises picked up along the way, I have learned many positive and valuable lessons about people, business and growth, which I share in my work as a consultant and trainer. The core challenges and basic aspirations of business owners are the same today as they have always been. The top challenges in business are still: sales & cashflow, time management and motivating staff. The good news is they can be overcome with the right determination and mindset. This is what I love doing, as I firmly believe that helping others achieve their dreams is the key to achieving your own.






Why Work with Olivier?


Olivier’s international experience spans 30+ years as a mentor, coach and trainer. He was a business owner himself in his home country of Belgium and later became an international mentor. He’s worked in 15 countries in Europe, America and Africa. Along the way he has learned a few lessons – sometimes the hard way – about how to make a business successful. He’s also learned what not to do, in addition to what works well.


Whatever the country or culture, business challenges are basically the same around the world. In most cases, the keys to success mean learning entrepreneurial skills as well as working on one’s business, rather than in it.


Olivier’s career as a self-employed business consultant and mentor, as well as his experience as a business owner, has helped him develop a wide range of cross-sector executive skills. Over the years, he has facilitated and delivered hundreds of training sessions, workshops and seminars.


Olivier specialise in driving businesses forward to new levels, working with motivated owners of small to medium-size businesses. His passion is to help them with the psychology of communication and the architecture that underpins accelerated growth.











Olivier's Most Frequent Areas of Training & Support

  • Business Development Strategy
  • Growth Acceleration
  • The Mindset Behind Success
  • Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Compelling Communication of the Value Proposition
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Sales Strategies and Architecture
  • Improving Conversion Rates
  • Management and Leadership Training
  • People Strategies
  • Team Building
  • Change Management
  • Cross-Cultural Business Communication


What happens next?


Olivier offers both 1-2-1 mentoring and peer group coaching to men and women who are eager to make their business work for them. So, if you are keen to propel your business to a whole new level, Olivier is just the man you are looking for. He would love to connect and learn more about you and your business and explore with you what the future of your business looks like.


You can contact Olivier directly at



You can read Olivier's blog articles by clicking through HERE









Working directly with Olivier


Sometimes the best and fastest way to accelerate away from where you are to where you want to be is to go directly to the source, which is why Olivier offers a number of ways that you can work directly with him.


1-2-1 Virtual Coffee to get to know each other and learn about you, your business and identify areas that once worked on will make your business more robust and income positive





1-2-1 Business deep dive (90 - 120mins) -

Review your business plan, identify and discuss the key business areas to focus on and work on a 5-point key action plan to kickstart and accelerate your business revenues.




Online 12 week Business Accelerator -Business accelerator program - A weekly mentored training via zoom in which members collectively work on each of the elements that make up a business that is profit focused.



per month


3hr Zoom deep dive ‘Entrepreneur training’ workshop's

  • Sales and negotiation skills
  • Professional networking skills
  • Creating a client attracting USP
  • Business model re-engineering for profit


£60 each 


To contact Olivier directly olivier.carion@salesmastersguild.com




Olivier’s Training & Peer Groups


You can book onto any of Olivier’s training or peer groups from here. Just click below to be taken to the booking page, choose the date you would like to attend and continue with your payment.