The SMG Mission


Working with Business owners

To Turnaround, Grow, Scale or Sell their Business







The Sales Masters Guild are a syndicate of highly skilled Turnaround, Growth, exit & personal business development specialists.


We work with business owners who are at a significant junction on their business journey and who are now at a point of a significant change in the direction of their business life.


While clearly training and mentoring is a significant element of what we do to achieve our clients' goals, we are NOT business coaches, we are highly trained and experienced specialists in our field with the Knowledge, experience and connections to achieve any goal a CEO or business owner is focused on achieving.


We know from experience that a business's success is derived from the mindset and focus of the individual who's in charge of the direction of that business, It's for this reason we have partnered with Paul Ward to deliver business focused NLP and Motivational mapping training to create absolute clarity of purpose and confidence to those we work with who want to become mentally stronger in the pursuit of their ambitions.


Our highly trained TGSE's specialist's will accelerate your momentum towards the specific goals you have in one or more of the following 4 business areas: -



Growth of sales revenues

Sucession planning

Exit planning to sell the business for the highest possible return.


Regardless of your current situation, if you have the ambition, we have the right person to work with you to achieve that goal in the shortest possible time


In addition to working 1-2-1 with business owners on specific projects we run subject specific trainings seminars in which we teach the methods we utilise to achieve the goals our clients want to achieve.









The journey began


back in 2009 when our founder (business investor and serial Entrepreneur) John F Kettley began receiving calls from connections asking for help as the recession at that time was beginning to bite hard.


What quickly became clear was a widespread need across the SME business community for 'real world' mentored entrepreneurial training, by experienced and highly skilled turnaround and growth specialists, to teach business owners the core tactical strategies of how to turn their business around, grow sales revenues quickly and for some, how to build up the value of their business to an Exit for the highest possible return...









It's an unfortunate truth that '80% of businesses fail in their first few years of trading and of those who ‘do’ survive, most never achieve their goal of building a wealth creating high-income business.


Those early days of mentoring business owners was a steep learning curve, we quickly learned not to take certain things for granted i.e. while everyone will 'say' they are ambitious, most people simply don't take action on what they learned, which is why today we look for 3 core attributes in our clients in order to guarantee success for us both…


  • An open learning mentality
  • A genuine ambition to succeed
  • A commitment to taking action every day


If you have these attributes, we know from experiance we can help you to achieve your goals much quicker than you thought possible...











We work 1-2-1 with business owners who want to turn their business around, grow at scale or significantly raise the value of their business towards a sale and exit within the next few years.


We have a vast range of specialists including certified NLP and Motivational Mapping specialists who work with business owners and their teams to significantly raise productivity by understanding which members of a given team are true leaders and who are the bottle necks to momentum and growth.


Our mentored syndicate peer groups are designed to achieve and maintain absolute clarity and focus for each business owner while also encouraging cross pollination of business opportunities between members of the peer group syndicate.


We mentor and teach business owners via a number of mediums to suit every type of learning style











The Sales Masters Guild have worked with and trained thousands of business owners to grow and flourish.


Your goals become our goals once we have both agreed that we are a good fit and our ethos, work ethic are in absolute symetry, something a practice we believe you will find is unique in the market place.


We simply do not succeed until after you have obtained the goals that we both set out to achieve...


If you are at a junction in your business and want to gain absolute clarity of what your next move should be, we invite you to get in touch and begin a new chapter.


We invite you to begin the journey by getting in touch today...


tomorrow is later than you think!!





Ready to begin a new chapter?


Please fill out the form opposite, press send and together we'll begin the adventure.

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The expert knowledge of sales and his fantastic teaching ability has made a massive difference to my confidence in every aspect of my business.


Huge thanks to John Kettley for changing the way I now look at the business world and produce measurably greater results.


His back-up calls and continuous correspondence are greatly appreciated. Highly recommended!


Martin Kearney - Internetwork Media

The Sales Foundation workshop, I found it to be truly excellent. Clearly defining the sales process and how to work through it with potential new clients.


The training is very interactive, very enjoyable and one benefits from having other business owners present. 


I recommend this sales training course to anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their sales operation


Robert Harris - AIMS Acountants

Having completed the Advanced Sales and Marketing Course, I walked in one person and came out a completely different more motivated and confident individual knowing exactly what my business does and for whom.


The methods you learn on the course completely change your perception and business life, giving you the motivation to succeed.

I would recommend that any business owner finding every day business a challenge have a chat with John Kettley at the Sales Masters Guild team." 


Deborah Skeldon - Behind the Glass (Magazine)

I attended the Sales Master Guild training to improve my sales conversion ratios. I found the course invaluable even to someone who has had been on several sales training courses in the past.


You can always learn something new and by implementing just a small change it will change your results, this course explains the sales process well and adds a new dimension to it...


Davina Farrer - Utility Warehouse

“The Sales foundation workshop was fantastic!!


I’ve already personally referred two of my clients and the results have been fantastic. Any business owner looking to increase their sales should come on this course and send their sales teams through this process”… 


Scott Dwyer - Motivations

You can't climb Everest alone!

This is where John Kettley is exceptional. If you want rapid success it's crucial to have an accountability partner or 'mentor'. John has helped me to completely redefine my own version of success and move rapidly toward the results I wanted to achieve.


They say "nothing happens until a sale takes place" and if you want more sales then John is the go to man to can help you develop those skills.


Most business challenges can be solved if you're generating sales and John is a genuine expert in helping people do just that. Take a few minutes to see what he could do for you. You won't be disappointed.


Simon Kramer, Effective accountants