The pathway to becoming 




The 3 biggest challenges a business owner faces in becoming the

financial success they want to be are 





“It's time to release the Titan within & stop getting in the way of your true potential?


The Titan program is aimed at individuals who ‘know’ they should have achieved more than they have by now...


We each know to some degree that there is something within us that is causing us to get in our own way!!


Our joint mission

Is to see you became 100% confident and crystal clear of where your true potential really lays. Once we have achieved this level of confidence and clarity the only thing that we need to achieve the extraordinary is a bullet proof plan of action to drive us forward from this day on...






Become Truly Unlimited...


If you are to become the success you know you should have become by now, You're going to have to silence once and for all, all of those little voices and feelings that are holding you back from being the confident entrepreneur you need to be if you are ever to become the wealthy person you know deep down you could be.


By silencing the dark passenger of your mind you release the Titan to go all in building the confidence to drive through every challenge because you have a master plan that drives you to achieve the success that you really should have been by now…


Everything we do has consequences, good or bad, our actions and inactions result in the outcomes that we get which is why it's so crucial that we are viscerally clear about what it is that we want as an outcome from everything we say or do.


Time is the one true leveler; it passes quickly and takes no prisoners which is why we must understand that it’s later than we think to achieve the success we each seek…









Overcome the challenge within...


Mental blocks are the primary reason why most people never gain the momentum to achieve their true potential...


Essentially there are only 2 differences between you and the super successfull people of this world, both of which you are more than capable of obtaining


  1. A limitless Mindset
  2. Tactical know how


The reason most coaching programs fail to achieve long term results is because they fail to fuse 'all' of the crucial ingredients that make up a true entrepreneur : -


  • Absolute clarity of purpose
  • Permanent deletion of all negative & limiting thoughts
  • The creation of a truly limitless mindset
  • 21st century tactical strategies to create wealth


If you're to become the success you want to be, it's time to workout 'why' your current way of 'thinking' is making you struggle and SOLVE it once and for all so that you can begin achieving the dreams that will become your reality.


It's time to fix this once and for all..










If you are


  • Tired of feeling like you are pushing uphill.


  • Ready to stop struggling, procrastinating & putting on a brave front.


  • Ready to find out what’s really holding you back from being a success in life.


  • Ready to start earning your true from your business life.


You’re in the right place and have found the method that will solve all your challenges… The Titan Program









Opportunity is knocking


Vast fortunes are being made in just about every business sector all you need to do to capitalize on the massive opportunities out there is


  • Dissolve once & for all the things in your mind that hold you back.


  • Get viscerally ‘clear’ about what you want and why you want those things.


  • Lock down a plan of action that will accelerate you on every level.












Enter The Titan Program


Our journey together begins with a focused mission to remove from you every single block you've ever had to achieving your 'extraordinary'...


Through our unique 'proven techniques' we'll identify and help you to delete from your mind the limiting thoughts that have been holding you back from what seems like your entire life.


We then zero in on the personal motivational drivers that are unique to 'YOU' using 'Motivational Mapping' techniques designed to accurately pin point the psychological drivers that will stop you getting in your own way and propel you forward at a speed you never thought was possible.


Then and only then will be begin our journey to accelerate your business life by creating a personalised business playbook that will map out the pathway to your ultimate goals in your business life, goals that will have became crystal clear from your time on the Titan program.


On completion of this program you will never be alone again, we are 100% with and behind you all the way through to obtaining your ultimate goal of becoming wealthy in every sense of the word...









Next level 'wealth' creation...


Now that you are thinking like a true Titan, it's time to stretch your business acumen to a level beyond anything most people think is possible by creating a business model that will actually deliver.


If you are to achieve true wealth on every level of your life we must create an income stream that will fund the ambitions of your now unlimited thinking...


Together we will create a business model that will build to affording you true personal wealth while teaching you the skills that will deliver it to you and your family in the shortest possible time.


The sand of time falls through the glass quickly, it's time to take action, limitless people know that time is the only thing we can not bend


It's later than you think...

Begin a new journey by booking a 1-2-1 call to deep dive into your potential








The expert knowledge of sales and his fantastic teaching ability has made a massive difference to my confidence in every aspect of my business.


Huge thanks to John Kettley for changing the way I now look at the business world and produce measurably greater results.


His back-up calls and continuous correspondence are greatly appreciated. Highly recommended!


Martin Kearney - Internetwork Media

I attended the Sales Master Guild training to improve my sales conversion ratios. I found the course invaluable even to someone who has had been on several sales training courses in the past.


You can always learn something new and by implementing just a small change it will change your results, this course explains the sales process well and adds a new dimension to it...


Davina Farrer - Utility Warehouse

The Sales Foundation workshop, I found it to be truly excellent. Clearly defining the sales process and how to work through it with potential new clients.


The training is very interactive, very enjoyable and one benefits from having other business owners present. 


I recommend this sales training course to anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their sales operation


Robert Harris - AIMS Acountants

Having completed the Advanced Sales and Marketing Course, I walked in one person and came out a completely different more motivated and confident individual knowing exactly what my business does and for whom.


The methods you learn on the course completely change your perception and business life, giving you the motivation to succeed.

I would recommend that any business owner finding every day business a challenge have a chat with John Kettley at the Sales Masters Guild team." 


Deborah Skeldon - Behind the Glass (Magazine)

You can't climb Everest alone!

This is where John Kettley is exceptional. If you want rapid success it's crucial to have an accountability partner or 'mentor'. John has helped me to completely redefine my own version of success and move rapidly toward the results I wanted to achieve.


They say "nothing happens until a sale takes place" and if you want more sales then John is the go to man to can help you develop those skills.


Most business challenges can be solved if you're generating sales and John is a genuine expert in helping people do just that. Take a few minutes to see what he could do for you. You won't be disappointed.


Simon Kramer, Effective accountants

“The Sales foundation workshop was fantastic!!


I’ve already personally referred two of my clients and the results have been fantastic. Any business owner looking to increase their sales should come on this course and send their sales teams through this process”… 


Scott Dwyer - Motivations